Why are wine’s maximal health benefits related to consuming
it with meals? It’s well known that wine with dinner on a regular basis is best,
and understanding the role of wine as a food can help illuminate wine’s larger
role in health. A central puzzle about wine and health is how much is due to biochemical
substances such as resveratrol. On the
other hand, to what degree wine drinkers do other healthy things that can
either compensate for the detrimental effects or amplify the good ones? People
who regularly have a glass of wine with dinner more often eat in moderation,
prefer healthier foods, and deal better with stress.
Wine with meals is associated with other healthy habits

It also illustrates why there are sometimes contradictory
recommendations about wine and health; the pattern of drinking matters more
than the amount, up to a point, but not all studies make this distinction.
Another recent study, this one from the University of Split School of Medicine
in Croatia, looked more deeply into the question. After reviewing available
data from other studies, they found a clear correlation of wine with meals to
maximal health benefits. The authors speculated that several factors such as
the effect of food on alcohol absorption could be involved.
Why wine with meals makes food more healthy
The most telling evidence comes from a clinical trial conducted by the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2014. This study measured the effects of red wine on post-meal oxidized cholesterol levels and expression of genes involved in inflammation. In order to see what the independent effects of wine were, they compared a McDonald’s meal to a Mediterranean diet meal, each with and without red wine. There was a clear benefit of wine with each meal type. So having a glass or 2 of wine makes even junk food better for you, pointing to biochemical properties of wine as the mediator of its health benefits. In other words, wine is more than a marker for a healthy lifestyle. Wine is a food.
Oksanen A, Kokkonen H. Consumption of Wine with
Meals and Subjective Well-being: A Finnish Population-Based Study. Alcohol
Alcohol. 2016 Nov;51(6):716-722.
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Di Renzo L, Carraro A, Valente R, Iacopino L,
Colica C, De Lorenzo A. Intake of red wine in different meals modulates
oxidized LDL level, oxidative and inflammatory gene expression in healthy people:
a randomized crossover trial. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2014;2014:681318.
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