The resveratrol promise tested
the anti-aging miracle molecule in wine, offered a plausible explanation.
Laboratory and animal studies showed that resveratrol works in several specific
ways to counteract the noxious effects on brain cells of protein plaques called
ß-amyloid, a marker for AD. While the role of ß-amyloid in the pathogenesis of
AD is still not completely clear, it is evident that with enough resveratrol
the formation of the plaques can be suppressed, and health of the neurons
enhanced, at least in lab studies. No other product, whether a drug, vitamin, or nutraceutical, has
shown such promise.
These findings led to several clinical trials of resveratrol as a supplement. Most are still
are underway, with only one having published results (1); however this study
produced more questions than answers. For example, after one year levels of one
type of ß-amyloid in the fluid around the brain (CSF) declined more in the
placebo group, and brain volume shrunk more in the resveratrol cohort. The
authors pointed out that the “etiology and interpretation of brain volume loss
observed here and in other studies are unclear, but they are not associated
with cognitive or functional decline.” One take-away message was that only tiny
levels of resveratrol in the brain were required to have an effect.
More to
wine’s benefits than just resveratrol
So there
must be something more to wine’s unique association with brain health than
resveratrol and AD. It is likely that there is synergy between resveratrol and
other polyphenols in red wine, for example, and alcohol may help absorption of
these compounds making them more bioavailable. And we cannot discount the fact
that moderate daily consumption of wine is a lifestyle marker for other healthy
behaviors. Maybe wine drinkers are just smarter to begin with!
on lifestyle factors and cognition/dementia
- Canadian Study on Health and Aging: Cohort study of
>6000 subjects; wine, coffee, NSAID use, regular exercise (Am J
Epidemiol 2002)
- Copenhagen City Heart Study: 15-year case-control study
of >1700 subjects; wine consumption but not beer or spirits
correlated with lowest risk (Am Acad Neurol 2002)
- Bordeaux Study: Cohort of ~4000 subjects age >65; 80%
lower incidence in wine drinkers (European J Epidemiol 2000)
- Catholic University of Rome multicenter study:
cognitive testing of >15,000 subjects; highest scores in men
drinking up to 1 liter/day, women 0.5 liters/day (Alcoholism Clin Exp
Res 2001)
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