A very large review out recently has experts proclaiming that
we had it all wrong in believing that moderate drinking was a good thing. As I
so often do, I cast a dissenting vote on this one, and offer an alternative
(and possible more accurate) interpretation.

Or not. Meta-analysis can be a tool for teasing out subtle
statistical trends, but it can also magnify existing biases. A better way to
ask the question is “What happens to lifelong abstainers who start drinking,
and what happens to healthy moderate drinkers who quit?” This was addressed neatly in a
2008 study from Australia, which prospectively followed more than 13,000
subjects for 12 years. The study substantiated the J-shaped curve, with moderate drinkers
enjoying a higher overall health score than nondrinkers, as expected. More importantly,
when moderate drinkers changed their habits – either reducing or increasing
their consumption – their health scores deteriorated. They further found that the
health of recent abstainers and intermittent drinkers was the same as
longer-term abstainers. This held true even after adjusting for chronic health
conditions. In other words, no evidence for abstainer bias was found.
Perhaps a bias not considered by the authors of the UVC study was the fact that the project
was done under the auspices of an addiction center, presumably disinclined to promote healthy drinking. A commentary that accompanied
the paper came from the Alcohol Research Group in Emeryville, California, whose
mission “seeks to reduce alcohol-related harms,” lauded the findings. They said
it could help fight back against “renewed calls from certain medical
commentators to prescribe moderate drinking.” I count myself one of those
certain medical commentators.
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