Drinking and depression have problematic relationship, so
the consensus from recent studies that moderate red wine consumption correlates
to lower odds of depression may seem hard to swallow. But it is clear that daily
wine drinkers show a J-shaped curve for clinical depression: lower in
moderation, higher in excess. Some very good data comes from a long term study called
PREDIMED (“Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea” (Prevention with Mediterranean
Diet)), which is a randomized, multicenter, controlled, clinical trial
conducted in Spain involving more than 5500 subjects. At up to 7 years of
follow-up, wine intake within the range of 2-7 drinks per week was significantly
associated with lower risk of incident depression.
Resveratrol, wine’s miracle molecule, offers a potential
explanation though it is likely the whole story. There is an experimental model
of depression in rats, allowing for measurement of depressive symptoms in
response to various drug treatments (no model yet for the effects of counseling
or group therapy.) A recent study found that rats given resveratrol for one week exhibited a
dose-dependent decrease in activities correlated to depression. More significantly,
this effect was associated with an increase in hippocampal and frontal cortical
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein implicated in chronic
effects of many antidepressants.
While it is tempting to unite these findings into and
conclude that wine drinkers have lower rates of depression because of the
resveratrol, there is an obvious in that logic: Only moderate consumption of
wine has a clinical correlation, and it is likely that much higher doses of
resveratrol are needed to raise BDNF levels in the brain than what you get in a
glass of wine. Both studies are true, but unrelated.
There are many other factors to consider, such as the role
of alcohol, but it may be that moderate wine drinking is a marker for other
lifestyle factors that relate to lower incidence of depression or elevation of
BDNF in the brain. Maybe I will have a glass of wine and think about it.
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