57. To test the role of wine in weight control, researchers in Spain studied a group of lab rats on a high-fat, high-calorie diet. Half of the animals were given red wine in addition, which prevented weight gain over an 8-week period. In fact, they were similar to a control group on a normal diet. Cheers to that.
58. A study of men and women in Paris evaluated the role of alcohol and obesity. Wine drinkers were found to have a J-shaped curve, meaning that when consumed in moderation wine is associated with more normal weight. Got wine?
59. Back to Spain for a report on a weight loss diet called the "Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet." This was a non-calorically restricted regimen consisting of virgin olive oil as the principal source of fat, moderate red wine intake, green vegetables and salads as the main source of carbohydrates and fish as the main source of proteins. Participants acheived not only a significant reduction in weight but also improvement in their cholesterol and triglycerides.
58. A study of men and women in Paris evaluated the role of alcohol and obesity. Wine drinkers were found to have a J-shaped curve, meaning that when consumed in moderation wine is associated with more normal weight. Got wine?
59. Back to Spain for a report on a weight loss diet called the "Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet." This was a non-calorically restricted regimen consisting of virgin olive oil as the principal source of fat, moderate red wine intake, green vegetables and salads as the main source of carbohydrates and fish as the main source of proteins. Participants acheived not only a significant reduction in weight but also improvement in their cholesterol and triglycerides.
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